Welcome to mobiCeliac!
mobiCeliac is a suite of applications for your mobile phone, PDA or tablet that allows you access to gluten-free resources to help people with Coeliac Disease (CD) or Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) to achieve a better quality of life.
mobiCeliac works with most of the last generation mobile phones, PDAs and tablets: Apple iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad, BlackBerry, Android, Nokia, Samsung, LG, …
No matter who, when or where you are. Find what you are looking for at anyplace, anytime and anywhere: all you need is your mobile phone.
There are several available programs and flavours (for different mobile phone brands) suitable for your needs, localization and mobile device characteristics. Choose the one that best fits you!
mobiCeliac is your new form of finding information to improve a Coeliac person Quality of Life with a mobile phone.